Goan prawns curry recipe, Sungatache Human (Hooman) with step-by-step photos and instructions. Prawn curry recipe indian, goan prawn curry recipe, goan recipes. Goa, a coastal state located in the western region of India is well-known for its culinary heritage. Goan cuisine has a captivating blend of diverse influences thus resulting in a vibrant and flavorful […]
Tag: prawns recipes
Prawns Curry (With Drumsticks and Potato) | Goan-Style Prawn Curry | Sungtache Hooman
Prawns curry with step-by-step instructions and photos. Prawns curry is one of the most popular and loved seafood curries of Goa. It goes well with rice and fried fish. An accompaniment like tisryache sukke (see pic below) or kismur of any dried fish makes this whole combo heavenly. What is Prawns Curry? Prawns curry is […]