How to cut a raw jackfruit

How to cut a raw jackfruit? How to cut Kathal?

A detailed tutorial with step-by-step photos and instructions on how to cut a raw jackfruit easily.

Most of us eat a ripe jackfruit during the summers. However, there are many traditional raw jackfruit recipes that use tender jackfruit as a key ingredient.

The local vendors in the vegetable markets of Goa sell big pieces of a cut raw jackfruit as shown below.

Raw jackfruit recipes

The problem why most of us do not often try our hands on raw jackfruit is because of the cleaning process. Cutting a raw jack fruit is very cumbersome and messy.

The sap (called ‘deekh’ in Konkani) of the raw jackfruit is pretty annoying and it seems not to leave once it clings to something. However, cleaning and cutting raw jackfruit is not that difficult.

Raw jackfruit cutting can become very easy if you have the right tools and techniques. With some practice, it will no longer look like a daunting task. This will encourage you to include it more often in your meals.

Raw Jackfruit

Raw Jackfruit/Kathal

In Konkani, people call raw jackfruit ‘Kuvlo’ or ‘Chaako’. It is also known as ‘Kaccha Fanas‘ in Marathi (Kaccha means raw), ‘Kathal’ in Hindi, ‘Panasapandu‘ in Telugu and ‘Halasu’ in Kannada.

Unripe jackfruit is green in colour and spiky on the outside. It is a tropical fruit that grows in abundance in Asia, Africa and South America.

It is the state fruit of Kerala and Tamilnadu. Also, India is the largest producer of jackfruits in the world. In Goa, you will find a jackfruit tree in almost every household in the rural areas.

The jackfruit grows in the tropical regions of southwest India and is the largest among all tree fruits. People use both unripe and ripe fruits for different culinary purposes.

It is used in different recipes depending on the stage it currently is in. A very tender jackfruit whose seeds are not yet formed is used to make ‘Sushel’. When the baby jackfruit grows slightly bigger (its seeds are forming but they are very tender) it is used to make ‘Chaako’ or ‘Tonak’. You can also make a flavourful ‘Jackfruit Biryani’ with raw jackfruit.

You can check out the famous Goan recipes using jackfruit recipes at the end of this post.

Raw Jackfruit Taste

Raw jackfruit has a neutral taste and flavour. Hence, this makes it easier to adapt to different recipes because of its capacity to absorb the aroma of the spices used in cooking.

It has a fibrous texture, similar to meat; hence, it is popular amongst vegetarians and vegans. Moreover, it is affordable and sustainable as compared to other plant-based meat alternatives.

However, it does not contain enough protein. 100 g of jackfruit gives you only 2-3 g of protein. So although it is adapted as a meat substitute you will have to complete your protein intake via other food sources.

Culinary Uses

Tender jackfruit (Kathal) is completely edible and hence several delicacies are made using raw jackfruit.

The most common culinary uses of raw jackfruit are:

  1. Meat Substitute – Raw jackfruit has a texture that mimics meat. Hence, it is used as a vegetarian or vegan meat substitute in curries, sandwiches, stir-fries and stews.
  2. Soups and Salads – Raw jackfruit is added to soups and broths for flavour. It is shredded or diced and added to salads for a crunch. Its subtle, somewhat sweet flavour goes well with a range of salad dressings and seasonings.
  3. Grilling or Roasting – Young jackfruit can be roasted or grilled for a luscious and smoky flavour. Grilled raw jackfruit is a nutritious and delicious substitute to meat.
  4. Pickles: Jackfruit can be pickled with spices and served as an accompaniment. Pickled jackfruit is relished as a side dish or as a topping for sandwiches. Perfect way to add flavor and variety to your meals while also preserving the fruit for later use.
  5. Jackfruit chips: This is a popular snack in Indian and many Asian cuisines. Jackfruit chips are usually made from ripe jackfruit since it has a sweet flavour that is perfect for making chips. However, raw jackfruit can also be used to make chips, but they will have a different taste and texture than chips made from ripe jackfruit. Young jackfruit is sliced thinly and deep-fried to make crispy jackfruit chips.

To conclude raw jack fruit is versatile and adaptable in a variety of dishes. It is rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins, making it a nutritious addition to any meal. Hence, it is gaining popularity in jackfruit vegan recipes.

Do check out my raw jackfruit curry below:

Raw Jackfruit Curry

Jackfruit Masala Curry

Benefits of Raw Jackfruit

Jackfruit Tree

Raw jackfruit has many health benefits. It should be included in the diet when in season.

  1. Rich in fibre – Raw jackfruit is a great source of dietary fibre that promotes regular bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  2. Digestive health – Improves digestion and supports gut microbiome.
  3. Weight Loss – Due to its fiber content it keeps you fuller for longer and prevents overeating.
  4. Nutrient-dense – Rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory compounds and phytonutrients such as saponins, flavonoids, and lignans.
  5. Boosts immunity – Raw jackfruit is a good source of Vitamin C that is important for immune function.
  6. Regulates blood sugar levels – This is primarily due to the high fiber content and low glycemic index of raw jackfruit.

Although green jackfruit is a powerhouse of nutrition, it should be consumed in moderation.

Things needed to cut a raw jackfruit

Cutting and cleaning a raw jackfruit can be a difficult task as its outer part is tough. Also, it has a lot of sap as compared to a ripe jackfruit. Here are the things you’ll need to cut a raw jackfruit:

  1. Newspapers/Cling Wrap – To prevent the sap from sticking to the countertop.
  2. Cutting Board – Use an old, sturdy cutting board, preferably, as the sap or latex can leave stains.
  3. Knife – Ensure your knife is sharp. Use either a big knife or a chopper or a serrated knife.
  4. Tissue Papers – To wipe off the sap.
  5. Oil – I prefer using coconut oil. You can use any oil.
  6. Water – To add the chopped pieces to prevent oxidation.
  7. Garbage Bag – To throw out the remains and waste of the jackfruit.
  8. Patience – If you are a beginner work slowly step-by-step. Do not hurry as you may risk injuring yourself.

Tips & Tricks

Cutting a raw jackfruit can be a challenging task, but there are a few tips and tricks that can make the process easier:

  1. Work in stages – Since raw jackfruit cutting is a time-consuming process, work patiently step-by-step.
  2. Gloves – You can wear gloves if you do not want the sap to stick to your hands.
  3. Use a sharp knife – A sharp knife will make it easier to cut through the tough exterior of the jackfruit. A serrated knife can be particularly effective for this. A sharp knife will give you clean cuts too. Alternatively, you can use an ‘Aadoli or Villi’ – (a traditional coconut scraper, vegetable cutter and fish cleaning tool used along the coastal areas of India.)
  4. Oil your knife and cutting board well – The sticky sap of the jackfruit can make it very messy to work with. Oiling will prevent the sap from sticking to surfaces.
  5. Chop the jackfruit into smaller sections – Instead of trying to cut the entire jackfruit at once, cut it into smaller pieces and then work with each piece separately. This will make it more manageable and less overwhelming.
  6. If the sap accidentally spills over the counter, apply some oil and wipe it off with a tissue or cloth.
  7. Handle the knife with care – Your hands will be slippery due to the oil, so be cautious.
  8. To clean the knife – Warm it slightly on the gas stove and wipe it off with a tissue. Warming the knife makes the removal of the latex easy.
  9. If the sap sticks to your hands do not wash directly with soap and water. Apply oil first and remove the sap using a tissue, then wash.

By following these tips and taking your time, you can make the process of cutting a raw jackfruit easier and more manageable.

How to cut a raw jackfruit?


  1. Gather all the things you will need, listed above, to cut a jackfruit.
Things you will need to cut a jackfruit
Raw Jackfruit

2. Line the countertop well with newspapers or cling wrap. If using newspapers spread at least a double or triple layer. Apply oil generously to your hands, knife and cutting board.

Line up the counter top with newspapers

Preparing the jackfruit

3. Chop off the stalk and a small portion of the jackfruit on the top.

4. Wipe off the sap near the stalk with a tissue. Next, cut the raw jackfruit breadthwise into 2 halves.

5. Once you cut the jackfruit a lot of sap will start oozing out. Wipe it clean. The jackfruit below was very tender hence there were no seeds in it.

6. Now again cut the jackfruit into quarters. You will get four big pieces. Wipe off the sap again from the pieces.

7. You can keep cutting it further till the pieces become easier for you to handle. Keep applying oil to your hands in between as required.

An alternate way is to cut it into semi-circles (as shown below). This is another raw jack fruit which had tender seeds in it.

Learn how to cut a raw jackfruit.

Chop the outer rind about 1/2 to 1 inch. Then chop into desired shape and size.

8. Since my jackfruit is small, I will proceed to the next step. Slice off the outer green tough part. Here a sharp knife will be beneficial in neatly slicing the outer rind (about 1/2 to 1 inch) and sparing much of the edible part.

Cutting into chunks or shreds

How you cut the jackfruit depends on the recipe you will be using it for. For example, you must keep more of the edible part for raw jackfruit biryani to retain the chunks post-cooking.

Whereas, you need to shred the chunks for the Goan Chaako recipe (raw jackfruit sabzi). Hence chop more of the hard white part (as it doesn’t become soft upon cooking) along with the outer rind.

9. Remove the outer green part completely. I sliced the jackfruit piece further, into quarters, so that it is easy to remove the core in the next step. The core is called ‘maav’ in Konkani.

10. Chop off the core (maav) of the jackfruit and cut it into desired size and shape.

11. Chop the raw jackfruit and add it immediately to salt water to prevent discolouration. The jackfruit pieces are now ready to use in different green jackfruit recipes.

12. Keep the jackfruit pieces in salt water until you use them in the recipe. Since they will turn dark brown when they come in contact with the air.

13. Discard the leftover remains of the raw jackfruit.

Leftovers of raw jackfruit

How to clean the sap?

  1. To clean the sap from your hands take a teaspoon of oil and massage gently on the front and back of the hand. Wipe off with a tissue paper or an old rag cloth. Then wash your hands with regular soap and water.

2. To clean the knife, warm it slightly on the gas stove and wipe it off with a tissue. Warming the knife makes the removal of the latex easy. Finally, wash with soap and water.

Storing Suggestions

  1. You can store an uncut raw jackfruit at room temperature for about a week.
  2. If you wish to store the cut pieces you can store in either of the following ways:

i) Short-term – Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator if you will be using it within 2 days.

ii) Long-term – Freeze any extra pieces if you will be using them after 2 days or more.

Also, you can store the pieces either raw or cooked in any one of the ways mentioned above.

To conclude, cutting a raw jackfruit may seem intimidating at first, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a easy and worthwhile process.

Follow the steps in this tutorial to safely and efficiently cut a raw jackfruit. Everyone learns with practice. Remember, even the skilled were amateurs in the beginning.

Cut pieces of raw jackfruit are available in the markets. Get one piece and try first.

Over time you’ll become more comfortable with the process and be able to enjoy the many culinary uses and health benefits of raw jackfruit.

Have you tried this step-by-step easy tutorial? Do let me know in the comments section. Also, comment if you would love to see any other tutorial.

How to cut a raw jackfruit? How to cut Kathal?

Difficulty: Moderate

Tutorial on how to cut a raw jackfruit easily. Very easy if you have the right tools and techniques.

Things you will need:

  • Newspapers/Cling Wrap

  • Cutting Board

  • Knife

  • Tissue Papers

  • Oil

  • Water

  • Garbage Bag

  • Patience


  • Pre-preps
  • Gather all the things you will need, listed above, to cut a jackfruit.
  • Line the countertop well with newspapers or cling wrap. If using newspapers spread at least a double or triple layer. Apply oil generously to your hands, knife and cutting board.
  • Preparing the raw jackfruit
  • Chop off the stalk and a small portion of the jackfruit on the top.
  • Wipe off the sap near the stalk with a tissue. Next, cut the raw jackfruit breadthwise into 2 halves.
  • Once you cut the jackfruit a lot of sap will start oozing out. Wipe it clean. The jackfruit may or may not have seeds in it.
  • Now again cut the jackfruit into quarters. You will get four big pieces. Wipe off the sap again from the pieces.
  • You can keep cutting it further till the pieces become easier for you to handle. Keep applying oil to your hands in between as required.
  • An alternate way is to cut it into semi-circles.
  • Chop the outer rind about 1/2 to 1 inch. Here a sharp knife will be beneficial in neatly slicing the outer rind (about 1/2 to 1 inch) and sparing much of the edible part.
  • Remove the outer green part completely. I sliced the jackfruit piece further, into quarters, so that it is easy to remove the core in the next step. The core is called ‘maav’ in Konkani.
  • Chop off the core (maav) of the jackfruit and cut it into desired size and shape.
  • Chop the raw jackfruit and add it immediately to salt water to prevent discolouration. The jackfruit pieces are now ready to use in different raw jackfruit recipes.
  • Keep the jackfruit pieces in salt water until you use them in the recipe. Since they will turn dark brown when they come in contact with the air.
  • Discard the leftover remains of the raw jackfruit.
  • How to clean the sap?
  • To clean the sap from your hands take a teaspoon of oil and massage gently on the front and back of the hand. Wipe off with a tissue paper or an old rag cloth. Then wash your hands with regular soap and water.
  • To clean the knife, warm it slightly on the gas stove and wipe it off with a tissue. Warming the knife makes the removal of the latex easy. Finally, wash with soap and water.

Tips & Tricks

  • Work in stages – Since raw jackfruit cutting is a time-consuming process, work patiently step-by-step.
  • Gloves – You can wear gloves if you do not want the sap to stick to your hands.
  • Use a sharp knife – A sharp knife will make it easier to cut through the tough exterior of the jackfruit. A serrated knife can be particularly effective for this. A sharp knife will give you clean cuts too. Alternatively, you can use an ‘Aadoli or Villi’ – (a traditional coconut scraper, vegetable cutter and fish cleaning tool used along the coastal areas of India.)
  • Oil your knife and cutting board well – The sticky sap of the jackfruit can make it very messy to work with. Oiling will prevent the sap from sticking to surfaces.
  • Chop the jackfruit into smaller sections – Instead of trying to cut the entire jackfruit at once, cut it into smaller pieces and then work with each piece separately. This will make it more manageable and less overwhelming.
  • If the sap accidentally spills over the counter, apply some oil and wipe it off with a tissue or cloth.
  • Handle the knife with care – Your hands will be slippery due to the oil, so be cautious.
  • To clean the knife – Warm it slightly on the gas stove and wipe it off with a tissue. Warming the knife makes the removal of the latex easy.
  • If the sap sticks to your hands do not wash directly with soap and water. Apply oil first and remove the sap using a tissue, then wash.
  • Cutting into chunks or shreds – How you cut the jackfruit depends on the recipe you will be using it for. For example, you must keep more of the edible part for raw jackfruit biryani to retain the chunks post-cooking. Whereas, you need to shred the chunks for the Goan Chaako recipe (raw jackfruit sabzi). Hence chop more of the hard white part (as it doesn’t become soft upon cooking) along with the outer rind.
Raw Jackfruit/Kathal

Ripe Jackfruit Recipes

Dhonas (Jackfruit Cake)

Jackfruit Idli

Jackfruit Patholi

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