Indian Sweets

Jackfruit Idli
Home, Indian Sweets

Jackfruit Idli | Halasina Hannina Kadubu | How to make jackfruit idli?

Jackfruit idli recipe with step-by-step photos and instructions. Also known as Panasa idli/Ponsa idli in Konkani, Halasina Hannina Kadubu in Kannada. A sweet, flavourful, soft idli that requires no fermentation. During summers when jackfruit is available in abundance we just love to relish it in its fruit form. However, once the monsoon sets in, they […]

Tavsali recipe
Home, Indian Sweets

Tavsali | Goan Cucumber Cake | How to make Cucumber Cake?

Tavsali is made using a special, local, seasonal cucumber available during the monsoons along the Konkan belt, Goa, Karwar etc. This cucumber is called ‘Tavshe’ in Konkani and is different from the usual vegetable cucumbers available. However, you can prepare this cake using regular cucumbers too. The taste will vary though.

Jackfruit Patholi
Home, Indian Sweets

Jackfruit Patholi | Ponsa Patholi | How to store jackfruit?

Jackfruit Patholi recipe with step-by-step photos and instructions. Rice wraps with a filling of coconut and jaggery steamed in turmeric leaves. Also, know how to preserve ripe jackfruit. There are many sweet jackfruit recipes. Jackfruit Patholi or Ponsache Patholi is one of the many traditional jackfruit recipes that are delectable and flavoursome. Do try out […]

Besan Ladoo
Home, Indian Sweets, Laddoo Recipes

Besan Ladoo | Easy Besan Ladoo Recipe

Besan Ladoo with step-by-step photos and instructions. Besan Ladoo are one of the most loved and popular Indian sweet. It is traditional sweet prepared during festivals like Diwali, religious occasions, functions etc.. Almost every Indian household prepares besan ladoos. What are Besan Ladoos? Ladoos are round-shaped sweet balls which are prepared from different ingredients. Depending […]